Food Processing


…address in lubricants for the food and beverage industry. PetroChoice has highly trained personnel to assist you with selecting the best lubricants for your environment. We will develop a comprehensive lubrication program, design and install a lube room, provide oil analysis services, and so much more. PetroChoice…Productivity Delivered!…

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Maintain Your Clean Burn Unit in Summer to Ensure It Will Run All Winter


…It might still be hot and sticky out there but that does not mean you should not be planning ahead for the coming cold season to ensure your Clean Burn unit stays in optimal working condition. Maintenance of your Clean Burn system is important if you want to make sure it is running when you need it the most and running with maximum efficiency. CleanBurn Press Release…

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Visit PetroChoice at the DUG Permian Basin Conference

…Want to learn more about PetroChoice? Come check us out at the DUG Permian Basin Conference May 21 – 23 at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas. Visit our table and see how PetroChoice’s products and services can optimize your operations. See you in West Texas!…

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Bill Would Make Anti-Drunk Driving Tech Required


…ety Association (NHTSA) has invested more than $50 million into this technology over the last 10 years. Related: Volvo Introduces Cameras to Curb Drinking and Driving According to reports, some solutions in consideration include a device to monitor drivers’ breath and sensors on steering wheels. Some automakers, like Volvo, have already committed to including anti drunk driving technology in their vehicles….

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AutoHaul network Officially Up and Running in Australia


…ney takes around 40 hours. The program was proposed ten years ago and is estimated to have cost about $940 million. Related: Autonomous Mine Trains OK’d in Australia Rio Tinto operates 200 locomotives to transport ore from its 16 mines in Western Australia. The autonomous trains are equipped with cameras and monitored from an operations center….

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Volkswagen In Discussions to Use Ford Production Plants


…troit automaker’s plants to build their own cars in the United States. The companies announced in June they were discussing a potential partnership. Talks have continued since then and it appears the automakers will likely make a decision about their next steps in early 2019. According to reports, Volkswagen representatives have said they are in need of additional production capacity in the U.S. to produce their name brand and Audi branded vehicle…

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Drilled But Uncompleted Wells On the Rise


…hat began in 2016. According to the report, there were 8,500 drilled but uncompleted wells, or DUCs, in March of 2019. That was an increase of 26 percent year over year. DUCs include wells where drilling has been finished, but other processes required for production are not yet complete. A majority of these DUCs are oil wells located in the Permian Basin. Read More: Study Shows Substantial Number of Bridges in Need of Major Repair While DUCs have…

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Scientists in Singapore Design Robots to 3D Print Concrete in Unison


…ntists at Nanyang Technological University. They can be programmed using a computer and use a technique called “swarm printing” to create designs without crashing into each other. The robots use a specially formulated cement mix designed specifically for use in 3D printing. The machines built the small structure in eight minutes and it took about a week to achieve its full strength. The ability to use multiple robots could make it easier and more…

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Fourth Quarter Orders for Machine Tools Reach $1.6 billion


…ls and metalworking equipment totaled $1.6 billion, the highest total since 1998. The huge quarter brings the year to date number in 2018 to $4.5 Billion, a 24 percent increase over 2017. According to reports from the Association for Manufacturing Technology, the huge number comes despite a month-to-month decline from September to October. They attributed the increase to more spending in various industries, including off-road and highway construct…

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GM Offers Voluntary Buyouts to 18 Thousand


…ric vehicles. The buyout targets salaried employees who have been with the company for 12 years or more. It is unclear how many employees GM expects to take the buyout, or if they will lay off employees if too few accept the offer. GM recently reported a major increase in pretax profit for the quarter, with a net income of $2.5 billion. That the buyout has been announced after such a strong quarter is rare for the automotive industry, as most auto…

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