S3 Program
Delivering Productivity Through a Focus on Safety, Savings, and Sustainability.
Safety – PetroChoice can work with you and your team to identify safety risks within your operations and provide recommendations to you regarding how to eliminate or minimize those risks moving forward.
Savings – PetroChoice and our partner companies will help you find opportunities to lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) through actions including product and application reviews/matching, filtration, oil analysis, and others.
Sustainability – PetroChoice works hard everyday to help our customers be sustainable on two important fronts.
- Sustainability of your operations through a focus on cost savings and safety.
- Sustainability as it relates to the environment through product offerings like Oil reclamation with Safety-Kleen or through using Clean Burn Waste Oil Heaters and EcoPower re-refined oil. We also help you find ways to lower consumption with proper filtration, oil analysis, and upgrades where appropriate to synthetic lubricants to extend your drain intervals and increase equipment life and performance.